-5 kg __per week how Alla Pugacheva invented a diet on grass and cucumbers (1)

-5 kg ​​per week: how Alla Pugacheva invented a diet on grass and cucumbers

The slender figure of Alla Pugacheva remains a favorite topic for discussion on the Internet. The prima donna really tries to keep herself in shape. 

To do this, she not only leads a healthy lifestyle and goes in for sports, but uses the author’s express diet, which helps to quickly reduce weight and volume before an important event.

Alla Pugacheva understands the importance of a systematic approach in the struggle for harmony. For example, she tries to exclude sweets and muffins from her diet, eat food without salt (or salt it to a minimum), swim regularly, and go to bed before 10:00 pm.

The singer also practices fasting days on light vegetable soups. This approach is really justified: even many young stars can envy the figure of the Prima Donna.

However, this is a way of life. If Pugacheva urgently needs to lose a few kilograms before an important event, she uses the express method – a diet of cucumbers and greens. It is believed that she came up with it herself, although the principle is very similar to classic mono-diets.

We warn you right away: the diet is quite strict. Before you sit on it, just in case, consult with a therapist, gastroenterologist, or nutritionist. However, there are obvious advantages: with this power system, you can reduce weight (remove up to five kilograms!) And get rid of edema.

In total, there are two types of Alla Pugacheva’s diet. Let’s talk about each in more detail.

First option

In this case, you only need a kefir cocktail and nothing else. Buy a kilogram of cucumbers, your favorite greens (parsley, dill, or cilantro will do), and, in fact, kefir (better choose the minimum fat content). If you are okay with celery – take it!

Finely chop or grate cucumbers, add greens to them, and pour kefir over them. You can drink this cocktail in any quantity. The main thing during such unloading is not to eat anything else. You can sit on such a diet for no more than five days. Be careful and in the pursuit of harmony do not harm yourself.

Second option

This is a less strict method of losing weight to Pugacheva on cucumbers and greens. Here it is proposed to replace kefir with a small amount of low-fat sour cream. Eating such a salad is allowed with a slice of rye bread. Before going to bed, you can allow yourself an apple. During the day, you need to drink at least one and a half liters of mineral water to maintain the water-salt balance.

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