Does Seborrheic Dermatitis Affect Hair Loss (1)

Does Seborrheic Dermatitis Affect Hair Loss?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that affects 5% of the population and usually manifests itself both on the scalp and in the facial region.

The cold and the constant changes in temperature that the winter months bring with them are factors that often cause, in many cases, greater dryness and dehydration in the skin, conditions that, in turn, produce the aggravation of pathologies such as seborrheic dermatitis. , a disease that affects 5% of the population and that usually manifests itself both on the scalp and in the facial region.

From Hospital Capilar they explain how this condition influences hair loss, as well as the main guidelines to follow to reduce the impact of dermatitis on our hair.

” Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic and common disease characterized by the appearance of inflamed areas and dandruff on the scalp, with outbreaks of greater intensity in the autumn and winter seasons. This dermatological inflammation produces an increase in the oily secretion that will lead to flaking at the capillary level, reddened skin, or itching, and is also present in certain areas of the face such as the nose, and cheeks, ears, eyebrows, or in other areas of the body. like the armpits, the chest and even the groin”, points out the medical director of Hospital Capilar, Carlos Gómez.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic and common disease characterized by the appearance of inflamed areas and dandruff on the scalp

Although this inflammatory disease has a strong hereditary component, in up to 42% of cases, certain external factors such as stress, having very oily skin, the use of some drugs or inappropriate products for the skin, exposure to irritating substances, anemia, or hormonal imbalances, can lead to its aggravation. In addition, it tends to occur more frequently in men than in women, mainly at puberty and in the age range between 30 and 50 years, as well as in newborns and children a few months old.

With regard to hair loss, it is important to emphasize that seborrheic dermatitis does not usually lead directly to alopecia, although it can harm hair growth, due to the inflammation situation that does not produce the proper balance. on the skin. However, in more serious cases, this problem can cause excess sebum to clog the follicles, affecting the hair’s life cycle and thus contributing to subsequent hair loss or seborrheic alopecia.

”If characteristic symptoms such as itching, peeling, or redness of the scalp are detected, it is best to go to a specialist who will help us determine if we suffer from this disorder and who will also help us choose the most appropriate treatment, since, for example, if the desquamative component is important, products that help to exfoliate said desquamation should be used, to the detriment of others. It should be noted that today, seborrheic dermatitis is a recurring disease that we find in up to 30% of cases when we analyze the scalp of patients who come to our clinics for hair grafting, as it is a condition which, if treated in time, is usually temporary”, details the medical director of Hospital Capilar.

In order to keep seborrheic dermatitis under control, experts recommend following a healthy and balanced diet, rich in vitamins A, E, and C and in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids; avoiding excess sugar, fat, and alcohol, and prioritizing the intake of foods such as legumes, meat, fish, eggs or fresh fruits and vegetables. Likewise, it is advisable to maintain proper hygiene of the scalp through specific shampoos and hair products; as well as preventing, as far as possible, episodes of intense sweating or avoiding frequent scratching of the head, as it is a habit that favors the appearance of new infections, worsening inflammation and creating new skin lesions.

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