Heating, Cold, Humidity or Snow Elements That Are Harmful To Hair Health In Winter (1)

Heating, Cold, Humidity or Snow: Elements That Are Harmful To Hair Health In Winter

Pollution, whose levels soar in many cities during the colder months, is another element that can encourage the appearance of dermatitis or dandruff.

The cold, the constant changes in temperature, the humidity, the rain or the wind are factors typical of the winter climate that can negatively affect the hair by damaging the state of its outermost layer, altering the behavior of the scalp, promoting its dehydration and deteriorating, therefore, its appearance. Therefore, Hospital Capilar explains the main guidelines to follow to reduce the impact of aggressive winter agents on our hair, as well as to prevent hair loss.

”During this season, our hair can be exposed to different harmful elements such as cold, which produces less dilation of the blood vessels of the scalp, which are responsible for transmitting the nutrients it requires to the rest of the hair; which means that it dries out, loses vitality and falls more easily. In addition, factors such as humidity and rain alter its good condition and increase its fragility, while the wind drags microscopic dust that makes it dirty; which also affects the aesthetic field”, explains Dr. Francisco Pilo, from the Hospital Capilar clinic.

During this season, our hair can be exposed to different harmful elements such as cold

Although hair loss or seasonal effluvium usually affects other seasons more, such as autumn and spring, there are some external factors that can cause hair loss, such as heating, which is used during this time of year, than due to the contrast of heat It reduces the vascularization of the scalp and the hair is less nourished, in addition to attacking the capillary structure and making it, therefore, more porous and rough.

On the other hand, the ultraviolet radiation that is reflected in the snow is another harmful factor for the scalp, by creating a screen effect that enhances the action of the sun’s rays, sometimes causing burns or blisters more seriously than those on the beach; so it is recommended to avoid long exposures to the sun in the snow or wear a protective hat which prevents direct contact with this agent. Regarding the use of caps and hats typical of this season, Dr. Pilo emphasizes that “they can be harmful to the hair by making it more greasy and fragile, so it is important to use good quality protective elements and always do it on the hair clean since the mixture of sweat and dirt can weaken it and even promote its fall”.

Likewise, pollution, whose levels skyrocket in many cities during the colder months, is another element that can encourage the appearance of dermatitis or dandruff, as well as an overproduction of the sebaceous glands that leads to the hair losing shine and silkiness, while the excessive use of dryers and irons, which is usually exceeded in this season, damages the root of the hair and makes it more likely to break.

Although hair loss or seasonal effluvium usually affects other seasons such as autumn and spring more, there are some external factors that can cause hair loss

However, Dr. Pilo emphasizes that the geographical area can also determine the damage that occurs to the hair during the winter season, so that “in the warmer areas, such as the south, which also have more abrupt changes in temperature, hair tends to be brittle, dry and prone to frizz, while northern areas characterized by humidity and constant rain lead to hair lacking volume, dull and dull. If we focus on the area of ​​the Bay of Biscay and the Pyrenees, we observe that hair with little volume prevails and tends to adhere to the scalp, due to the more frequent use of hats”.

In order to curb, as far as possible, the frizz and dryness that occurs in the hair during the winter, experts recommend opting for nourishing shampoos, conditioners and masks that deal with the lack of hydration, as well as the use of thermal protectors in spray or foam format to minimize the effects of heat on the cuticle, or natural bristle brushes, which are responsible for preventing hair breakage. 

Lastly, following a proper diet will be another key factor when it comes to ensuring good hair health in this winter season, including antioxidants such as vitamins E and F, present in sunflower oil or nuts; zinc, found in legumes, red meat; or minerals such as iron, in foods such as spinach or artichokes. Nor should vitamins B5 and B6 be missing, present in whole grains, dairy products, eggs or vegetables, or the Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids found in fish. 

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