What Is Binary Code And How To Translate It (1)

What Is Binary Code And How To Translate It?

Today binary code is used in almost any daily task that involves the use of a machine with one or more digital systems. However, many people still don’t really understand what binary code is and why it is so useful in getting machines to understand what we want them to do.

Binary code is a system based solely on the use of two numbers (0 and 1), hence its name. However, just with these two numbers, you can get any information you want, whether you want to translate it into an alphabetical document or if you want the machine to execute a specific order. If you want to know what binary code is and how to translate it, be sure to read this OneHOWTO article

What is binary code: alphabet and table

Binary code is a numerical system that is used to represent information of any kind, although, today, the field in which it has the greatest presence and relevance is the field of computing. The binary system is based on writing the information only from two numbers (0 and 1) so that each letter and each number represents a specific number of zeros and ones that, when interpreted by the corresponding device, would reveal a meaning or an order.

Binary code is very useful in the field of computing since computers understand only two basic concepts: the passage of electricity and the absence of it. In this way, the passage of electricity through a given circuit can be interpreted as a 1, while its absence is interpreted as 0. In this way, there are two basic values ​​from which to build all the rest of the language.

If what you want is to discover a table of symbols and see what the binary code alphabet looks like, you should take into account the ASCII code table, named after the English acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The main objective of this list was to find a common language between machines and manufacturers in order to understand specific messages in a simple way. With the translation of the instructions in this table, you can decipher the binary code and discover concrete actions.

How to learn and read binary code

Para leer el código binario es necesario conocer los códigos que existen en la tabla y qué significan en cada caso. De esta forma, una secuencia concreta de ceros y unos equivale a una letra, a un número, a un signo de puntuación, etc. El ordenador únicamente entiende los ceros o los unos según si existe paso de electricidad o no por un circuito concreto. Sin embargo, sumando de forma lineal estos pasos o ausencias de electricidad, puede interpretar una información concreta a partir de la traducción del código binario a otros lenguajes.

Para entenderlo mejor, se explica a continuación con un ejemplo: si quisiéramos escribir la letra “A” en lenguaje binario, en lugar de usar el símbolo de esta letra, el texto que escribiríamos sería “01000001”. Estos ocho números dispuestos en esta posición equivalen a la letra “A”. De este modo, cuando un dispositivo, como por ejemplo un ordenador, encuentra esta secuencia de números en un texto, sabe que es la letra “A”. Esto mismo se repite con cada letra u otro valor que se le quiera dar.

Ten en cuenta que dependiendo de si la letra es minúscula o mayúscula, el código será uno u otro, por lo que “A” y “a” serán símbolos formados por un orden distinto de los unos y los ceros.

How does a binary code translator work?

Binary code translators deal with the task of separating binary code sequences into each of the basic elements. In this way, a sequence of millions of zeros and ones can be interpreted and converted into a text with traditional characters such as alphabets. Although it is true that this task could be carried out manually, it would be a huge job. In contrast, binary code translators perform this task automatically and in much less time than any other method, thus speeding up the process.

This, in turn, allows computers to translate large amounts of binary code automatically and instantly, allowing them to function as we know them today. In fact, in addition to computers, any digital device uses this language since, as we have mentioned, it is the simplest way in which a machine can understand what information is in front of it. Depending on the sequences of binary code that it has, it can be instructed to translate that sequence into an alphabetic text, or even to execute certain actions on the understanding that certain sequences of code are equivalent to orders that it has to carry out when they are received.

If you are passionate about the different communication methods and want to discover how other codes work, do not miss the following articles:

  • How to learn morse code easily
  • How to make morse code transmissions

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