What Is Ikigai Meaning And Symbol (1)

What Is Ikigai: Meaning And Symbol

How many times have you questioned the meaning of life? The search for happiness and the desire to find a purpose in our lives is one of the most discussed aspects in society, without there being a concrete answer. Different cultures have tried to solve these unknowns, although it was Japanese philosophy that came up with ikigai, that is, the reason why you get up every day.

But what is ikigai really? It is a concept whose definition can help the human being in general, but with a particular application for each individual. Each person finds a different meaning in life, so it changes meaning depending on the circumstances. To discover the meaning of ikigai, its origins and how to find your own, at OneHOWTO we recommend that you continue reading this article.

What does ikigai represent – Meaning

Japanese philosophy considers the meaning of ikigai as the main reason for existence , that is, a reason to get up every day and all the actions that are worth doing in life. In short, it is a kind of vital purpose that accompanies you on your path.

The search for this purpose is not complicated, but each individual finds it difficult to find it. Some people are guided by their passions and others by their work and money, although their profession does not satisfy them on a personal level. The common denominator is a constant feeling of emptiness, even as they achieve social or economic status.

Ikigai, a symbol of the true path to follow, implies that the answer to the purpose that gives meaning to your life is not on the outside, but within you. You just have to take time to get to know yourself and discover yourself as a person. To do this, you will have to follow the ikigai method, which consists of fitting all the pieces of a puzzle made up of 4 areas:

  • Your virtues.
  • The things you like to do.
  • The activities for which you can get financial remuneration.
  • The needs of the world.

When you discover the areas exposed above and manage to align them with each other, you will have drawn the path you must travel. Ikigai will serve as a compass to decide your present and future.

Orígenes del ikigai

Ikigai is a term of Japanese origin. In a research paper on this concept, Akihiro Hasegawa, a professor at Toyo Ewia University and a clinical psychologist, used the term ikigai as part of everyday Japanese language. However, its origin is found in the Heian period, that is, the last of the classical era in the history of the Japanese country (794-1185).

The term ikigai is made up of two words: iki, which means life, and gai , which refers to merit or value. Going deeper into the concept, gai comes from the word kai , which means shells in Japanese. Shells are highly valued in Japanese society. Thus, this term derived in ikigai, taking a sense of vital value.

If you want to know more about Japanese philosophy, in this other article we tell you How to learn Japanese culture.

How to discover your own ikigai – Symbol

After clarifying what ikigai is and everything it represents, at OneHOWTO we want to help you find your own purpose. This search involves trial, error, and self-analysis. It’s about a process; a path that you must travel to know yourself and discover yourself internally.

The reflections you make will help you to know your values, your virtues, and strengths. In this way, you will be closer to finding the meaning of your life. Discover the symbolism of ikigai and how to discover your own by following these steps:

  1. Allow ikigai to function as a compass for your life. It will be the best guide to find the path and align all the actions that guide you towards the north, that is, your purpose.
  2. Do not try to feel happiness or a full spirit for 24 hours a day. Life is not always easy and there will be obstacles, but by knowing your ikigai and having a purpose you will be much more prepared to find solutions to problems that arise.
  3. Clear beliefs and judgments. Focus on your path, both at work and in life. Your family environment and friends will always be important, but everything must fit together to find an inner balance. Don’t sacrifice your purpose for other people.
  4. Ikigai is a path, not a destination . Enjoy every moment, every step you take in life. Everything must flow without impositions. You are the owner of your life.
  5. Ikigai is not unique. You can have more than one, since life changes. The purpose is subject to evolutions and movements. You just have to enjoy the process and recompose the objective. Nothing is written because ikigai flows and, as such, can vary.

Now that you know what ikigai is, you may be interested in learning about other cultural curiosities, such as:

  • What is the history of the matryoshka, the Russian dolls
  • What does namaste mean in yoga
  • How Christmas is celebrated in Japan

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