Who Is Smarter Blondes or Brunettes Author’s Column By Viktor Komarenko (1)

Who Is Smarter: Blondes or Brunettes? Author’s Column By Viktor Komarenko

Years go by, but there is still a stereotype that brunettes are smarter than blondes. Is this really so – read in our material. 

Viktor Komarenko, an expert on the show “Divovizhnі people” on the channel “Ukraine”, commented on the popular stereotype about whether hair color actually affects mental abilities.

It’s all about the genes!

The genes that code for hair color do not affect a person’s intellectual abilities in any way. This is reported from time to time in research reports from various scientific laboratories. Thus, debunking the offensive myth about blondes and brunettes. Such an erroneous opinion about the effect of hair color on intelligence, rather, is associated with sexual behavior, and social and cultural stereotypes.

Sexual behavior is a very important component of our relationships. Why do blondes tend to “win” brunettes for male attention? Most likely, it’s a superstimulus. This is such an irritant that, regardless of our individual differences, causes similar reactions in everyone, and necessarily attracts attention. For example, always in paintings, photos, posters, and websites, we will focus our attention and examine in detail the image of faces: eyes, lips. After all, facial expressions allow us to understand the intention of other people, to understand their feelings and emotions.

What attracts men

There is such a superstimulus, which is called “children’s scheme of the face.” Why do little kittens look more attractive than adult cats? This phenomenon was described by the famous behavioral researcher Konrad Lorenz. It turns out that in children (whether we are talking about a person or an animal), the size of the cerebral region of the skull is much larger. Round face, small nose, big eyes, full lips…

During maturation, the bones of the facial part of the head grow faster, but the connective tissue – cartilage, for example, grows constantly. In adults, the size of the nose, and ears gradually increases, and eyebrows hang over the eyes, visually reducing their size. The connective tissue on the lips decreases – and the lips become less red, and smaller. Subcutaneous fat, which makes the cheeks plump, is reduced, that is, the childish facial scheme disappears.

Even when a person looks at a photo of a child, the pleasure center is subconsciously activated, and oxytocin is released – a hormone that is important in the formation of attachment, the need to patronize and protect someone. And in children, pay attention, hair color, as a rule, is always light. In any case, lighter than in adults.

When a man looks at a blonde, he sees the features of “childhood”, which, most likely, binds the attention of men, causing their healthy interest. What blondes use! By the way, in most cultures, the light color of women’s hair is very much appreciated, even among dark-skinned people.

In fact, the level of intelligence depends on heredity, upbringing, and level of education. Don’t stop learning new knowledge and skills. You can and should learn all your life, especially since it is a natural need of our brain.

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