In addition to physical satisfaction, sexual intercourse has a number of health benefits. Let’s try to figure out exactly how sex affects your life.

1. Sex promotes rejuvenation

It’s hard to believe, but sex really has an anti-age effect. The reason lies in maintaining the correct hormonal balance. Numerous scientific studies have proven that women and men with a full sexual life look noticeably younger than their peers.

2. Sex helps reduce stress levels.

Sex helps lower blood pressure levels and, as a result, calms the body and nervous system. The best relaxation after a busy day is intimacy with your loved one.

3. Falling asleep immediately after sex is a natural need of the body.

Hormones that are released during orgasm make a person sleepy. To a greater extent, this applies to men, although among women there are “sleeping beauties”. You should not be offended by your partner if, after intimacy, he immediately fell asleep. Research scientists prove that this is just a visual aid of the fact that a person tried and put all his strength and feelings.

4. Women’s sexual desires depend on the cycle

Nature decreed that a woman experiences the greatest sexual arousal during ovulation. This process is associated with an increase in testosterone levels in the blood. Thus, the body promotes conception. Do not forget that it is during ovulation that the chances of getting pregnant increase.

5. The left side of women is more sensitive.

Scientists say that on the body of a woman there is a mysterious zone of special pleasure. And it is located in the upper left square of the clitoris. With the help of stimulation of this area, you can experience an unprecedented pleasure.

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