Benefits of Sport During Pregnancy (1)

Benefits of Sport During Pregnancy

Practicing sports such as yoga, swimming or walking brings many benefits for both the baby and the mother.

Until not long ago, practicing sports during the months of pregnancy was frowned upon. Society was not able to assimilate that a woman could exercise while she is pregnant since it had negative effects on the development of the baby. Now the situation has changed. Myths about playing sports during pregnancy have been disproved and it is common to see future mothers exercising since, in addition to providing benefits for the child, it also provides benefits for herself.

Laura Lázaro, from Lansinoh Spain,  explains that sport “improves your muscle tone, strength, and endurance, which always helps in the face of childbirth, with a higher state of mind to prevent postnatal depression.” And in addition, it helps to prevent gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, to fall asleep, and reduce pain.


Walking and running are some of the most advisable exercises. Walking increases the heart rate, without causing stress. Running is fine if it has been done before, albeit reducing the intensity and speed of the race to avoid falls. Weight lifting is also recommended to keep your arms toned, always using light weights and without forcing. Other exercises such as swimming or aquagym are also beneficial for relieving joint discomfort.

Practicing sports such as yoga, swimming or walking brings many benefits for both the baby and the mother. 

“Let’s not forget such healthy practices as yoga, which can make labor faster and more comfortable, or pilates, which strengthens core muscles and straightens posture. And something very important that we should not overlook: exercising the pelvic floor with exercises focused on this area of ​​the body”, says Laura.

 And what do the experts think? It is recommended to carry out a routine of 35-60 minutes from the second or third trimester of pregnancy. “In the case of women not familiar with sports, physical activity is recommended from the second trimester, that is, from the fourth month, and always guided by a specialist, because at the beginning there is a greater risk of losing the baby. Of course, low intensity and avoiding running at all times or on unstable surfaces.” 

“The benefits are many, from improving the cardiovascular and muscular system to weight control throughout the pregnancy process, preventing low back pain, postpartum depression or gestational diabetes, and can even promote natural childbirth by avoiding a future cesarean section,” explains Héctor Martín Portela, CEO and personal trainer of Team Fit Madrid.

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