Cleanse your skin and help you lose weight quickly how to make a “scrub” for the intestines (1)

Cleanse your skin and help you lose weight quickly: how to make a “scrub” for the intestines

Gut health has a significant impact not only on how we feel but also on how we look. Judging by the reviews, some methods of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract help to quickly establish metabolic processes in the body – and flourish.

Scientists have long proven the relationship between intestinal health and metabolic rate and obesity, and also that, to a certain extent, the gastrointestinal tract affects our appearance: skin, hair, and nails. And even immunity!

Alas, despite the popularization of healthy lifestyles, the diet of most of us is still replete with “food garbage”: sugar, fast food, smoked meats, and other unhealthy foods. Such products are poorly absorbed by our body and are deposited in the intestines in the form of “food waste”. And this, in turn, leads to constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and other unpleasant symptoms.

Ideally, your daily diet should be replete with healthy fiber foods that help the intestines and metabolic processes in the body as a whole. But if you don’t eat right, your body will start signaling it in sad ways: weight gain and skin deterioration.

Of course, it’s never too late to improve nutrition. But there is an opinion that before this it is worth arranging a general bowel cleansing so that the “waste” does not prevent you from starting a new life.

Colon cleansing can also be done at home. There are a lot of methods for performing this action, and some of them have been used for thousands of years (for example, the Indian shank prakshalana). However, most of all, many women fell in love with the so-called “scrub” of the intestines – by taking a special drink with a high fiber content, which quickly cleanses everything naturally. The basis of the “scrub” for the intestines is taken from soaked oatmeal for long cooking or more specific foods with a high fiber content: bran, psyllium powder, or flax seeds.

You can just eat a spoonful or two of cereal, bran, or seeds and wash them down with plenty of water. And you can turn the “scrub” into a full-fledged dish and thereby increase its effect. To do this, you can add dried fruits, berries, honey, yogurt, and superfoods – in general, everything that is useful and you like.

You can take such a “scrub” at least on a daily basis. It is good for the intestines and serves as a prevention of constipation, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels. In addition, judging by the numerous reviews on social networks, thanks to such a useful habit, you can get rid of several kilograms in a short time, as well as forget about bloating and make your stomach more toned.

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