In order for a man next to you to be happy, you must be able to satisfy any of his needs and desires, which directly depend on you. You can not demand fidelity if in some sexual aspect you do not satisfy him. It cannot be required at all. But a man who has enough of everything is unlikely to expend his strength and spend any effort to conquer another woman.

Unless, of course, he asserts himself in this way, which is a deviation from the norm, and not a natural desire. Therefore, you must be one hundred percent sure of your sexuality, and for this, you need to be proficient in the techniques of sex. Earlier we talked about how to give a blowjob and why it is so important for men. Today we will talk about how to give a blowjob, according to one of the world’s most authoritative sources on sex, the Kama Sutra.

Attitude towards sex

All practices described in the Kama Sutra are deeply esoteric, that is, they are closed to the uninitiated. Previously, this was due to the fact that education, and primarily sexual education, was available only to a narrow circle of people, rulers, and nobles. But now the difficulty lies in the fact that even having the Kama Sutra on our table, we cannot always fully understand what is meant, and more often than not, we cannot feel it.

In our society, sexual intercourse is quite a strange attitude. On the one hand, they don’t see anything “such” in it, on the other hand, it can always be used for humiliation and censure, on the third, everyone seems to understand that sex is a natural manifestation of spiritual intimacy, through physical.

In the Kama Sutra and in other erotic texts of ancient times, the attitude towards sex is completely different, reverent, and sacred. Therefore, the attitude towards oral sex is the same.

Correct mood

According to the Kama Sutra, the sexual organs of partners are the main focus of their energies, respectively male and female. In the process of sexual intercourse, we connect with each other and exchange them, achieving balance.

Oral sex, on the other hand, plays the role of a kind of ritual in which you, as it were, worship the male power of your beloved. The penis in the Kama Sutra and other Hindu texts is called the “lingam”, and it is also the symbol of one of the supreme deities – Shiva, who is considered the progenitor of tantra and yoga.

Therefore, when you give a blowjob, you need to treat your partner’s genitals, to put it mildly, with respect, but rather with reverence and love. It is difficult for us to understand, and even more so to recreate such an attitude, this requires deep love and respect, which few people can boast of now. But instead of complaining that “all men are goats”, it is much more logical to try to change something in your own attitude.

And most likely, you yourself can understand that between two women, one of whom kisses his dignity, and the other does not, the man will choose the first. Again, if he does not have a conqueror complex and he does not go exclusively for what he cannot get. But even in this case, he will be repelled only by your emotional availability, and by no means divine sex.

The technique of the “Eight-Part Kiss” according to the Kama Sutra

Prediction or Challenge

The woman holds the Lingam in her hand, places it in her mouth, and moves it between her lips.

Side bites

The woman covers the Lingam with her fingers gathered together like a bouquet of a flower. After that, the woman presses her lips to him and can lightly use her teeth.

External pressure

The woman holds the Lingam between her lips and kisses him as he draws them out.

Internal pressure

The woman inserts the Lingam deep into her mouth, squeezes it with her lips, and then takes it out of her mouth.


The woman kisses the Lingam as if it were the lover’s lower lip.


After the kiss, the woman runs her tongue all over the Lingam, touching his head.

sucking on a mango

The woman inserts the Lingam halfway into her mouth, after which she kisses and sucks intensively.


The woman plunges the Lingam completely into her mouth, as far as she can, and after that, sucks on it, as if swallowing it.

You can use all these techniques with different frequencies, mixing with each other, so that your oral sex is interesting and varied.

If you know that you know how to please a man, this will affect both your self-esteem and the attitude of your man towards you. The polarity will change, he will worry that you can find someone better than you. So take our advice and start practicing!

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