Discover The New Serum That Will Help You End Cellular Stress (1)

Discover The New Serum That Will Help You End Cellular Stress

More than 40% of the population suffers from stress, causing problems that are reflected in the state of our complexion.

The skin is the largest organ of our body and the one that most attracts attention to the naked eye. It’s the first thing people see about us. The way we have to show our physical and mental health. Its condition can warn us of internal diseases with the appearance of pimples or spots or how we are in our day-to-day. A smile can be a reflection that we are having a good time and a sad complexion is an opposite.

Our day-to-day we are immersed in stressful situations caused by work problems, family, worries, or changes in our routine. More than 40% of the population suffers or has suffered stress throughout their lives. These stressful situations end up having effects on our skin, causing problems such as redness, acne, eczema, inflammatory processes, or psoriasis to appear.

It is known that stress is not good for health, that is why it is so important to combat it as soon as possible. There are many ways to end stress; practicing exercise, using relaxation techniques such as yoga or pilates, eating a healthy diet, trying to disconnect from time to time and focus on oneself, or keeping a personal diary where we write down all our worries.

The state of the skin can warn us of internal diseases with the appearance of pimples or blemishes or of how we feel in our day-to-day.

But you can also put an end to stress by accompanying the above tips with a good beauty routine. The Emotions Lab has created a new serum that will help reverse cellular stress, its new Holistic High Effective WellAging facial line.

A new way to keep our skin healthy and hydrated in a healthy and sustainable way. It contributes topically to inhibiting the release of substance P, the precursor of the inflammatory reaction, or cortisol, stimulating the release of endorphins, related to vitality, luminosity, and cell regeneration.

“The result is an increase in the immune capacity of the cell, its energy, balance, and well-being. A concept that works the skin from the inside to show it off from the outside”, explains Gisella Gil, founder of The Emotions Lab.

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