Do You Want To Get Fit For Summer (1)

Do You Want To Get Fit For Summer?

Taking care of your diet, maintaining proper hydration, or doing exercises such as boxing or cardio are some of the tips that Morales Box gives us.

When summer is just around the corner, we don’t know what happens when gyms fill up with people looking to improve their silhouette in the face of the hottest time of the year. “Our coaches always repeat the same mantra: although the idea is to lead a healthy lifestyle throughout the year, there is still time to get in shape, especially if we plan and follow these tips,” says Cristian Morales, double Champion of boxing from Spain in lightweight.

From Morales box, they give us the keys to get to the summer in the best possible shape.

  1. Check your diet. The cold, the evenings at home, the larger clothes, etc. have given us the perfect alibi to eat more and skip the gym. For this reason, it is important to review the calories we eat, analyze whether we are eating a healthy diet, and make the necessary changes to ensure we follow a balanced and nutritious diet,  incorporating more fruit, vegetables, fiber, and proteins and reducing all types of sugars and of ultra-processed foods. The ideal is to combine cardio exercises with aerobics, which are those that burn more calories and more quickly.
  2. Hydrate. Make sure to drink at least two liters of water to flush toxins out of your body and to help flush out waste. In addition, being well hydrated is essential to maintain the function of our muscles, which will lead us to be more active, and metabolize fats.
  3. Try new things and find an exercise that is not only motivating but also fun. There are exercises for everyone. “Our recommendation is that if you don’t know boxing yet, try it,” adds Morales. “This sports discipline has multiple advantages such as being a perfect exercise to regulate weight and combat stress. Boxing is beneficial for the body and mind. Introduce something new into your routine and it will help you burn calories and simultaneously exercise all muscle groups, strengthening, defining, and enhancing your flexibility. It is also one of the activities that most reduces stress and improves mood. For all these reasons it is totally addictive” says Morales.
  4. Choose activities that tone without bulking you up. “Boxing is ideal because it manages to tone the body without developing muscles, something that women rarely want, helping us to achieve greater muscle strength, reduce body fat and achieve greater body definition, also improving coordination, flexibility, and resistance,” says Morales . . Specifically, boxing allows you to burn up to 1,000 calories per session.
  5. Plan your sports agenda. To achieve body recomposition (gain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time), Morales Box classes also incorporate some more physical exercises, such as sit-ups, squats, burpees, dips, etc. that help strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems and complete the benefits of each of these classes.
  6. Work progressively. It is not just about adding training days, but about maintaining a commitment to your goal. It is true that there are factors such as genetics, age, or the different rhythms of life that great condition our physical state, but there are decisions that will help us to have a much more toned and healthy body, such as drinking more water and less soft drinks, adding minutes of physical exercise, for example walking, to your training hours, etc.


“Boxing, as we understand it at Morales Box, is a non-contact sport, although we have a ring where clients with a higher level can practice what they have learned in class, supervised at all times by the center’s staff.” To start training boxing, it is not necessary to be in shape as the group trainers adapt the exercises to each person, helping new fans to train from scratch and without major problems, helping the body to quickly adapt to these new routines.

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