Eight Benefits of Vitamin C In The Coldest Months of The Year (1)

Eight Benefits of Vitamin C In The Coldest Months of The Year

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is essential for the functioning of the body and stimulates the immune system.

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is essential for the functioning of the body and stimulates the immune system. The body cannot make it, so it must be ingested through the diet. This vitamin is found in foods such as kiwi, orange, red fruits, broccoli, tomato, or cauliflower.

Juice Plus+, an expert in health and wellness, explains the 8 benefits that vitamin C has for the body, especially in winter.

1. Prevents colds. In these months in which common colds occur, vitamin C is essential to help prevent them or, in case of suffering them, that it be with a shorter duration or with milder symptoms.

2. Contributes to the formation of collagen. This is essential for the proper functioning of the teeth and gums and for the blood vessels. Vitamin C also helps wounds heal and form scar tissue.

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is essential for the functioning of the body and to stimulate the immune system

3. Helps protect cells against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can be caused by an imbalance between cell-damaging oxygen radicals and protective antioxidants. And as a consequence have an impact on the DNA.

4. Prevents the aging of our skin. In these months of so much cold, it is essential to hydrate it well and take care of it so that it does not spoil. Vitamin C is vital for its maintenance, in addition to preventing aging and the appearance of new wrinkles.

5. Helps reduce levels of vanadium, a mineral responsible to some extent for causing depression. Vitamin C helps reduce mood swings and psychological stress in these gray rainy months and provides energy to get through the days with a better attitude.

6. Produces carotene, a molecule that transforms fat into energy. This is essential for the body, since it has an antioxidant action, reduces cardiovascular risk factors, and contributes to vision, among other properties.

7. Assimilates iron in our bodies. Foods rich in vitamin C should be combined with foods rich in iron. For example, the ideal would be to eat an orange after a plate of vegetables.

8. Enhances the luminosity of the skin, restoring a healthy appearance, minimizing irritation in sensitive skin, and reducing sunspots.

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