“I made breasts” and did not regret it the real story of mammoplasty (1)

“I made breasts” and did not regret it: the real story of mammoplasty

On the one hand, today you will not surprise anyone with a silicone bust. On the other hand, getting to a plastic surgeon is not the same as going to a clinic. 

Knowing perfectly well that the time when small breasts gave birth to large complexes has passed, our heroine decided on mammoplasty. And she told me what she would have to go through in order to move from “zero” to a confident “troika”.

I remember those times when the size of my breasts didn’t bother me – I paid much more attention to the lower body and stomach: I ran, pumped the press, and, in general, didn’t bathe much. Everything changed in just a few years: “Instagram (a social network recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation)” appeared in the world, and in my life (at about the same time) – a child and a subscription to Lena Miro’s blog, reading which I realized that proportions are everything. Many girls will understand me: it’s a shame when you lose weight and first of all, you see the result in the form of a deflated chest, after which you painfully finish off the problematic lower zone. I needed to balance it out. What – the answer is obvious: I still believe that the only massive thing that can be in the upper part of the female body is the chest.

It’s strange, but just a few years ago, the idea of ​​having silicone seemed unrealistic to me: I’m not a show business star and not even an Instagram model, I can get by with a push-up. But some time after the birth, going to the surgeon no longer seemed like a space project to me: the issue rested on money and the lack of a collective positive experience. A year ago, one evening, I took a sedative with trembling hands, and the next morning I plunged into anesthesia – the first in my life.

Preparatory work

I’m not one of those who monitor forums and reviews in search of the mythical best (for me, this is always the enemy of the good). Unlike many things that can make me doubt, in the project called “breast” I clearly knew what I wanted – from the shape and size of the implants to the choice of a doctor. Moreover, in principle, I would not have decided on an operation if I had not been confident in a plastic surgeon. I knew Andrei Leonidovich Istranov from the time of thinking about rhinoplasty, from which he once dissuaded me (it is priceless when a doctor can give an objective assessment), so there was no doubt left. It’s X day.

In fact, before “Day X” there was also something like “Day Y” – this is when you go for tests two weeks before the operation. And literally for everything, and not only tests: they took blood from me, did an ultrasound and an x-ray … In general, they conducted an almost complete examination, which, by the way, cost a pretty penny (it, this penny, should definitely be included in the budget, if you decide to have surgery). But every cloud has a silver lining: at the same time, I checked my health. I exhaled, having received a medically certified OK for mammoplasty. 

Before surgery: the scariest moment

At this point, the most interesting began. The day before the operation, I went to the clinic. It turned out to be impossible to come and lie down on the operating table in a couple of hours: there was a consultation with an anesthesiologist, a final examination by a surgeon, taking sedatives, and, in general, a device in the ward. The operation was scheduled for the early morning of the next day, and late in the evening on the eve I began to pound: it was scary to get anesthesia, it was scary to imagine how I would wake up and how much it would hurt me in the end. 

The next morning, I ordered myself not to panic and treat everything with humor. For some reason, I remembered that the radio was playing in the ward – before anesthesia, this somehow calmed me. Now I will describe the most terrible moment in this whole story – the moment of immersion in anesthesia. You inhale air through the mask and instantly fall asleep. Everything! The radio turns off. There was nothing else to worry about.

After the operation: all behind

I woke up already in my room, feeling a little pain. It was not unbearable – I did not feel any hot stone slab pressing down on my chest (after all, I started forums). I woke up briefly and immediately fell asleep again. After anesthesia, I was wildly sleepy, and that day I was awake for only five minutes to have dinner (I also wanted to eat wildly, but this does not depend on anesthesia for me). The most terrible and most painful day passed practically in a dream.

And then it started to let go. Two days after the operation, I remained in the hospital, and with every hour the pain subsided. If immediately after the operation you cannot raise your arms or lean on them (the nurses helped me get out of bed if necessary), then over time you have more freedom. By the time I was discharged, I had mastered the technique of processing seams and learned how to handle compression stockings – and I was ready to go home. The easiest way to explain the condition after the operation is simply to tell the facts: I checked out on my own and rolled my suitcase to a taxi myself, and before I got home I went to the store and bought some groceries. On the fourth day after the operation, I was already walking around the shopping center … Life was returning to its usual rhythm.

Life in a new format

Over time, after the operation, a certain discipline is developed: within two weeks, you stop carrying heavy things, and also take antibiotics and properly process the stitches to prevent inflammation. Within a month and a half, you “grow” with compression underwear and get used to sleeping on your back. Well, after that, if everything goes according to plan, with a clear conscience, you remove all restrictions from yourself along with medical underwear and live your old life. And in order to really have a clear conscience, do not forget to come for examinations to your doctor – after 3 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, six months, and a year after the operation: the surgeon must make sure that there are really no complications.

As for fitness (after all, it all started with Lena Miro), I started running, or rather, walking at a fast pace a week after the operation, and after a month and a half I was carefully training in the gym. Exactly a year has passed, and I feel my chest as my own, not limiting myself in any activity, because the main thing is good slimming underwear, plus the ability to feel how much you can load your body at one time or another. Well, as for moral satisfaction, I can say one thing: it’s easier to do it once than not to decide all your life and spend a lot of energy on convincing yourself that you don’t need it. For me, the best way to overcome temptation is to give in to it. Which I did and have never regretted.

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