Strengthen Your Natural Defenses For The Cold Season (1)

Strengthen Your Natural Defenses For The Cold Season

Ringana gives you the keys to preparing for winter thanks to elements such as Ginger, Vitamin C, and Zinc from wheat

The cold is here and with it runny noses, sneezes, and coughs, among others. Last fall and winter we were exposed to far fewer pathogens due to pandemic restrictions, so we entered this winter season with an untrained immune system.

Ringana, the brand of fresh, vegan, and sustainable cosmetics, gives you the keys to strengthen your defenses naturally with a series of products that will help stimulate your immune system.

relaxation is key

There are many options to strengthen the immune system on a day-to-day basis, either with adequate sleep (six to nine hours a day in adults), spending a lot of time outdoors, without alcoholic beverages and tobacco (both cells and organs), avoiding episodes of strong stress or consciously resorting to relaxation methods such as yoga or meditation. RINGANA DRINKS such as RINGANAisi can make a valuable contribution to active relaxation. Taken at night, extracts of oval root, lemon balm leaf, wild linden flower, and hop flower help to relax and unwind from everyday life.

comprehensive strengthening

“I escape from colds by bike,” explains Ulla Wannemacher, cyclist and co-founder of RINGANA. Indeed, the regular practice of sport helps to strengthen the immune system. It must be emphasized that it is done on a regular basis because a more sporadic but intense training with overexertion can favor the risk of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract.

Ringana gives you the keys to preparing for winter thanks to elements such as Ginger, Vitamin C, and Zinc from wheat

In addition, immune CAPS can help the immune system thanks to the combination of different vital fungi with natural micronutrients. Natural Vitamin C from Acerola and Vitamin D from mushrooms offer effective support.

Antioxidants as allies

For RINGANA founders Andreas Wilfinger and Ulla Wannemacher, nutrition is also essential. During the cold season, they pay special attention to a balanced and fiber-rich diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain products, and vegetable fats. Combined with PACK antiox with water-soluble and fat-soluble antioxidants, as well as zinc from buckwheat, it optimally supports the body’s and cells’ defenses against free radicals.

The power of ginger

It is well known that ginger has a positive effect on the immune system. Regular consumption of this plant can help strengthen it, since gingerols can inhibit the proliferation of unwanted pathogens. So it’s no wonder that the RINGANAchi sells so well in the autumn and winter months. The caffeinated activator has a fruity-spicy flavor and contains bioactive plant substances that brighten the mood during the darkest season.

everything in balance

Finally, doctors recommend paying attention to the balance of the microbiome. Numerous different bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and fungi reside in our body and on its surface. The microbiome is the totality of microorganisms. The largest of all is the gut microbiome, which plays an important role in the body’s defenses.

Following the motto of “everything is fine if the gut is fine”, BEYOND biotic capsules provide active support for well-being through functional microorganisms of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria strains. How do you get it?

Very simple: with RINGANA Natural Biotic Complex 10 (NBC10), a unique combination of ten probiotic cultures, made up of nine bacterial strains and one yeast strain. So that the NBC10 can deliver the unique combination of active substances where it is needed, it is protected by a gastric juice-resistant package, which ensures optimal bioavailability. Together with PACK cleansing, BEYOND biotic forms the Dream Team for the intestine: the fibers contained in PACK cleansing stimulate intestinal transit, while the microorganisms in BEYOND biotic contribute to the utilization of food components

and the production of essential nutrients.

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