More and more often we think about what toys children can play with, and which ones are better to hide from them. In this article, we will discuss the dilemma that confronts parents of all generations: are boys allowed to play with dolls, and what to do if the son plays with dolls?

Is it necessary to be afraid and worry about something if the son loves to play with dolls more than cars? Let’s look into this difficult question.

To begin with, instead of an introductory word, let’s say that the boys are already playing with dolls. Even parents who are radically opposed to their son playing with dolls cannot suspect these comrades as carriers of the unexpected and treacherous word “doll”. We’re talking about… superheroes.

Batman, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and even Aquaman, made by a simple worker somewhere in China, are all dolls. Boys willingly play with these dolls, and this does not raise any questions, but as soon as the baby reaches for the baby doll or tries to play with Barbie in a beauty salon, everyone immediately comes into a real shock.

Why is that?

sexism Ordinary

The world of adults influences the world of children where it should not influence at all: it penetrates games from the most terrible and unexpected side. As a child, how often did you hear the phrase “A girl shouldn’t be mean” or “A boy shouldn’t cry”? If often – congratulations, you became a victim of everyday sexism as a child.

For some reason, they begin to explain to boys and girls from early childhood what is feminine and masculine, for some reason they divide children into “weak girls” and “strong boys”. Subsequently, it can be seen that boys do not take girls into their games, even those that everyone can play.

It is not necessary to reproach the parents who raised us wrong, calling them sexists and cursing them. It’s just that they were brought up that way, they had different conditions and a different environment. Now, when everyone is discussing the topic of sexism and gender equality, you can finally exhale with relief and stop breaking the psyche of children.

However, until now, the puppet games of boys cause unbridled horror in people. Here is what the user of the social network writes:

“I have a son, he is now four and a half years old. We are still forced to live with my husband’s parents, and his sister’s family still lives there, where they also have a child, a girl of two years. So my son takes dolls from her all the time, carries them in a stroller, and especially likes to bathe them.

I personally don’t see anything wrong with that. But the mother-in-law categorically objects and sets up my husband in the same way. They try to slip their son to play with cars, pistols, and robots. He plays with them for a short time and again goes after the dolls.

I bought several inexpensive dolls for him on Avito, and now I have to sell them because otherwise my mother-in-law and husband will simply throw them away.

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Can Boys Play With Dolls?

It is believed that dolls and baby dolls are toys for girls, not boys. Normal girls should choose dolls and teddy bears, normal boys – pirates and cars. But if a boy reaches out to the baby, or, God forbid, asks to buy him a Barbie, parents start to panic. But is it necessary?

Psychologists say that in no case should toy be divided into “boyish” and “girlish”, and also – you should not forbid boys to play with dolls if they want to.

How Playing With Dolls Affects The Boy:

  • From 6 months to 2 years: the baby, using the example of a doll, learns how a person works, and what the parts of the body are called.
  • From 2 years old: the baby learns to take care of the small and weak, thanks to the doll, he learns to get used to the daily routine.
  • At 3-4 years old: puppet games help the baby learn about the structure of the family and society, learn to communicate, and make friends. The doll replaces a friend in games if there are none. The child associates himself with the doll.

Caring for a doll allows you to better understand how other people feel, so it will definitely help the boy develop empathy.

By the way, if you follow the baby playing with dolls, you can understand what worries him and what problems you have in your family. For example, a child can project unpleasant emotions and events onto a doll.

What Doll Can I Buy For A Boy

If you want to buy a doll or any other toy for your child, it is best to do it at a discount: for example, using our selection of discounts and promotional codes in Boodinka igrashok.

What kind of doll can you choose for a boy? First of all, for a very young child, it is worth choosing gender-neutral dolls that look more like children. Of course, it is very exciting to drive a muscular Batman on a typewriter or do Barbie hair, but for a child at the very beginning of his life, it is much more important to develop empathy, and not to understand how to be a real superhero.

It is best to start by choosing a doll made of soft and natural materials: rag, for example. Facial expression is best neutral and soft. You can choose her to look like a boy, or you can choose a girl, but not strikingly.

But later, at four and beyond, buy a doll with more pronounced gender differences. That’s when it will be more useful for the child to play with Batman or, if he really wants to, with Barbie.

What do you think: can boys play with dolls? Take the survey:

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