Zodiac Stones According To Your Sign (1)

Zodiac Stones According To Your Sign

Our zodiac sign is built on a map that places the Earth, and therefore us, at the center of the universe. From there, the influence of the placement of the stars and planets in our environmental reality is observed and studied. As an essential element of our environment, the protection stones for each sign are a fundamental part of reading astrology and its application in our daily lives. These gems are characterized by maintaining esoteric properties that are capable of enhancing some of our personality traits. Therefore, it is important that you know the types of stone according to your sign.

In this OneHOWTO article, we have compiled all the gemstones according to each person’s horoscope. Factors such as natural elements, the color of birthstones, and their properties will guide you in choosing your most personal protection stone. If you ask yourself ” what stone am I according to my date of birth “, keep reading this article and find out which one is yours.

Stones for Aries

Those born between March 21 and April 20 are already tremendously energetic and positive people. Aries is a born leader who enjoys fighting for his ambitions and the challenges he encounters. As a fire sign, Aries feels identified with warm colors that enhance his energy and his positivism, such as red. As a fire sign, his passionate temperament is reflected in precious stones such as Tiger’s Eye, Quartz, Ruby, Red Jasper, Hematite, Carniola, and Amethyst.

Do not miss the article The best stones for Aries and discover the other birthstones of this first zodiac sign.

Stones for Taurus

Between April 21 and May 21, patient and honest people are born, who act in search of emotional stability. Chrysocolla is one of its most characteristic gemstones, with greenish and bluish tones that reflect its thoughtful and affectionate character as a good earth sign. Aventurine, Agate, and Rose Quartz are some of the other gems destined to shelter Taurus.

You can discover more birthstones for this sign and expand their information in The best stones for Taurus.

Stones for Gemini

With the great initiative, those born between May 21 and June 21 have an extraordinary ability to face life situations, since they can easily identify the pros and cons of each position. In addition, they are strengthened by their communicative and negotiating power. As an air sign, Gemini’s protective stones are characterized by maintaining whitish, bluish, and sandy colors. Aquamarine, Chalcedony, Rock Crystal, Tiger’s Eye, and Amber are some of the gems that accompany this sign.

Don’t miss out on the other gemstones in The Best Gemstones for Gemini.

Stones for Cancer

Between June 22 and July 22 we find ourselves in the midst of an environment of extreme emotions. Cancer is the sign of love and pain, emotional ups and downs, and a passionate temperament. Through his imagination, this sign often takes refuge from pain under a protective shell. As a water sign, your emotional swing is reflected in pinkish, bluish, or greenish colors. Rhodonite, Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Calcite, Carniola, and Moonstone are some of its protective gems.

Feel free to consult our article The best stones for Cancer to discover more about the birthstones of this sign.

Stones for Leo

Leos, born between July 23 and August 23, are beings full of vitality. With a rather strong personality that is difficult to ignore, Leo is known to be independent, ambitious, and strategic. As a fire sign, its best companions are stones with warm tones such as Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Amber, or Rock Crystal.

Don’t miss out on the rest of the birthstones of this passionate sign in The Best Birthstones for Leo.

Stones for Virgo

Being born between August 24 and September 22 makes Virgo people extremely detailed, attentive to order, and analytical. The sixth zodiac sign stands out for being methodical, reserved, and very loyal. The gems that help you in your stability, so characteristic of the earth signs, are the Sodalite, the Rutile, the Amethyst, the Amber, and the Eye of the Tiger.

Remember that the best protective stone for you will be the one that provides you with the most comfort. You can discover more gemstones of this earth sign in The Best Stones for Virgo.

Stones for Libra

Justice, harmony, and moral sense are some of the values ​​that dominate the environment from September 23 to October 22. Libras are people who always seek to be surrounded by people since they are tremendously social beings. However, despite their sympathy and generosity, Libras are also characterized as insecure and vulnerable people. For the protection they need, this air sign needs precious stones that help them focus their positive qualities, such as Chrysocolla, Lapis Lazuli, Jasper, and Malachite.

If you want to discover more gems for Libra and all their properties, don’t miss our article The best stones for Libra.

Stones for Scorpio

Aunque puedan parecer tranquilos a simple vista, los nacidos entre el 25 de octubre y 22 de noviembre se caracterizan por ser muy activos e intensos en su día a día. Como signo de agua, sus emociones siempre se encuentran a flor de piel, por lo que se sienten cómodos bajo piedras preciosas que les aportan protección como la Malaquita, la Fluorita, la Ágata y el Jaspe.

No te pierdas ni un solo detalle de las piedras del zodíaco de este octavo signo en Las mejores piedras para Escorpio.

Stones for Sagittarius

Sinceros, optimistas y positivos, los nacidos entre el 23 de noviembre y el 23 de diciembre se caracterizan por ser personas extremadamente inquietas y aventureras, capaces de superar todos los retos que se les ponen por delante. Como signo de fuego, su temperamento se ve reflejado en piedras natales de de tonalidades azules y moradas como el Lapislázuli, la Sodalita, la Azurita, la Amatista y la Malaquita.

En este artículo sobre Las mejores piedras para Sagitario puedes descubrir algunas gemas más que protegen y cuidan a este signo zodiacal.

Stones for Capricorn

Between December 22 and January 19, those born under the sign of Capricorn are constant, calm, and hard-working people. At times, they can become very insistent and obsessive about their goals, as they are extremely self-sacrificing. As an earth sign, the colors that accompany Capricorn gemstones are off-white, greyish, and sandy hues: Onyx, Jasper, Rock Crystal, Dumortierite, and Obsidian are some prime examples.

However, there are some more birthstones that accompany this sign of good omens. For more information about Capricorn and their zodiac stones, don’t miss our article The best stones for Capricorn.

Stones for Aquarium

From January 21 to February 19, Aquarius arrives, a sign with a lot of personalities. Although they can sometimes be very independent, Aquarius stands out for their attractive, thoughtful, and imaginative personality. They are one of the most open-minded signs of the zodiac, which is why they enchant others. Aquarius belongs to the air signs, so their birthstones are characterized by maintaining bluish and greenish colors, reminiscent of nature itself. Bovelite, Chrysocolla, Fluorite, and Turquoise will accompany this honest energy.

Do not miss all the information about the other protective stones of this sign in the following article The best stones for Aquarius.

Stones for Pisces

Affectionate, kind, sensitive, and dreamers. Pisces strongly attracts other signs of the zodiac, although sometimes her imagination is somewhat disconcerting. Those born between February 20 and March 20 respond with kindness and tact to the pain of others, which is why they are so loved. Their birthstones are cold and intense colors like blue or purple, as they represent their emotional tide so characteristic of water signs. Agate, Amethyst, Hematite, and Turquoise are its most precious stones.

Expand information and discover more precious stones that accompany this sign in The best stones for Pisces.

If you want to read more articles similar to Zodiac stones according to your sign, we recommend you visit our Culture and Society category.

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